Welcome to GeoGlyph's Home Page

Thanks for the interest in the project! Hope you find what you need.
The sourceforge page is here


q: What is GeoGlyph?
a: GeoGlyph is a program that tries to be a suite of tools that can be used for stereogrammetry.

q: What does GeoGlyph currently do?
a: Currently you can create projects, add images, create stereo pairs, create anaglyphs, and create contours.

q: Does GeoGlyph support any existing geographic data standards?
a: At the moment GeoGlyph will only output points in CSV xyz tuples. In the future the program will support output to DEM and DLG.

q: Does GeoGlyph run on my platform?
a: GeoGlyph is based on Qt (v4.5) and should run anywhere that Qt will run. I have tested the program on Linux (Gnome), Windows (Xp), and MacOS X (10.5) and it works well on all three (although a little ugly on OSX).


Build From Source:

Building from source is probably the best way that you can the most up to date version of the software. I am currently using Qt Creator. You can probably get away without it but you will most deffenatly need Qt install. The program uses some of the features of version 4.5 of Qt so you will need at least this version of the API to get things working. Hopefully in the near future I will have the autotools up and running and it should be a simple configure/make.

To get the latest source: svn co https://geoglyph.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geoglyph/trunk

If your on Ubuntu/Mint/Debian and need some more info check out this page.


If you spot any bugs or have a feature request/suggestion or would like to join the project send me an email bgroff@hawaii.edu.


Coming soon...